Is SW Ranches Making Up With Sheriff?
Just a week after threatening to throw sheriff’s deputies out of Southwest Ranches, town officials are cozying up to Sheriff Scott Israel.
Check out the picture below posted last night on Town Attorney Keith Poliakoff’s Facebook page.
With smiles like that, how can anybody believe Southwest Ranches is really angry at the Sheriff’s policing of its community?
The Town of Southwest Ranches thanked Sheriff Israel for attending its meeting last Thursday night. The Sheriff advised the Town that crime is down throughout the entire County and that his use of intervention programs instead of imprisonment is already off to an incredible start. Thanks to the Sheriff who took the time to speak. Hope BSO and the Town are able to come to terms on a new agreement. — with Scott J. Israel and Jeff Nelson.
Nelson is Southwest Ranches’ mayor.
Here is’s early post on the Southwest Ranches vs. sheriff’s department feud.
August 29th, 2013 at 3:27 pm
Since crime is down due to prevention programs, why has the sheriff funding for the PACE Center for Girls?
August 29th, 2013 at 5:07 pm
Crime is down across the Nation at a much larger rate than here in Broward. The “Accidental Sheriff” Scott Israel would LOVE to take credit for it and is, but crime isn’t down because of him or his programs. Even if they were, it wouldn’t take hold in 6 months time. Does he really think we are all as stupid as he is and that is programs have magically made the crime rate drop in Broward County? It is called under-reporting and is an old Jenne trick. People were fired, indicted, and jailed because of these programs and they will be again. Scott Israel is a babbling idiot with zero budget experience and about as much law enforcement experience as a BSO Sgt. at best. His political inexperience, lack of intelligence, and history for taking the path of least resistance will finish him in less time than his term. As far as SW Ranches, just hang in there. This guy’s days are numbered and God willing, we will have professional law enforcement leadership back in Broward County soon!
August 29th, 2013 at 5:50 pm
Mayor Jeff Nelson was at Israel’s victory party. They are in bed together. Southwest Ranches can’t afford a $1 million increase in services. Mayor Nelson almost sold us out for the prison and if he pulls anything else in Southwest Ranches a posey will be out to oust him and then work against the Sheriff in 2016. Enough is enough. The Sheriff is jamming it down out throat and our Mayor is taking pictures with the guy. Bull shit!!!
August 29th, 2013 at 5:59 pm
Nelson and Israel “in bed together”. That sounds like a gay porno movie.
August 29th, 2013 at 9:37 pm
Nelson showed up at Israel’s victory party because they had a mutual supporter and the party was just outside of SW Ranches. Until that night, they had likely never met.
August 30th, 2013 at 3:35 pm
Southwest Rancher said: Mayor Jeff Nelson was at Israel’s victory party. They are in bed together. Southwest Ranches can’t afford a $1 million increase in services. Mayor Nelson almost sold us out for the prison and if he pulls anything else in Southwest Ranches a posey will be out to oust him and then work against the Sheriff in 2016. Enough is enough. The Sheriff is jamming it down out throat and our Mayor is taking pictures with the guy. Bull shit!!!
STFU if you know not of what you speak! A friend of the Sheriff invited the Mayor to the party. Stop attacking Nelson, he had no hidden agenda, he was just honoring an invitation.
September 13th, 2013 at 7:11 am
Jeff Nelson would have been at Charlie Manson’s victory party if he had been elected Sheriff.