Did The Davie Commons Strike Out In Tallahassee?


The Davie Commons apparently lost in Tallahassee.


At least that’s what legislators who were watching for last-minute tricks from Commons lobbyists believe happened.

It will be days before the can say with certainty because of the way Tallahassee works.

In the last week of the 60-day session, massive bills are steamrolled through the House and Senate.  There is very little time to read them carefully.

That’s the way the Legislative leadership likes it.  When members don’t know the future ramifications of what they are voting on it helps the the leadership get its way

What a way to run government! 

The Commons lobbyists were seeking to have the Legislature help them.  They wanted lawmakers to prevent local governments in Broward from holding more hearings on the proposed shopping and office complex.

Maybe lobbyists had a friendly lawmaker insert a clause in a bill or move a comma surreptitiously to aid The Commons?

“We didn’t see anything, says state Rep. Martin Kiar, D-Davie.


Kiar was keeping his eye out all session for legislation affecting The Commons, which would be built in Davie.

Kiar says the two comprehensive bills that might have favored The Commons involved growth management and transportation.

The transportation bill was dozens of pages long and thrown on the House member’s desk’s just before the vote, Kiar says.

Evan (Jenne) and I voted against it because we were told there was something for the Commons hidden in it.  Later we found out there was nothing in it, Kiar says.  “Of at least I couldn’t find it.

“These bills are so big that we might find something in the future, Kiar concedes.


5 Responses to “Did The Davie Commons Strike Out In Tallahassee?”

  1. Lori Parrish says:

    Thanks Marty and Evan.


  2. This is getting old. says:

    This is getting old already. We want it. Parrish Doesnt. It is unfairly given an impossible time during its approval procedures. We get it. It is an extreme shame. Move onto new news.

  3. Davie Resident says:

    I disagree with “This is getting old.”
    This is important stuff. It deals with our homes and our rural livestyle, which The Davie Commons would ruin.
    I don’t think the project will ever get built. I hear that the developer is having financial troubles in Las Vegas and other areas.

  4. Broward Resident says:

    I’m less concerned with the Commons stuff and more concerned that our legislators recieve their documents moments before a vote, and vote “against it because we were told there was something for the Commons hidden in it. Later we found out there was nothing in it,” Kiar says. “Of at least I couldn’t find it.” Wow. Do these guys have staff? Legislative aides? Interns from g-school at FSU and FAMU could help read through stuff that you “don’t have time” to. Way to represent your constituents.

  5. Broward Residents says:

    It seems we were supporting the wrong person. How can you vote aginst a bill that will ensure job creations in these bad times. Now lets see how they will rasie their money for 2010 and we now know how long Lori parish strings are attached to Marty & Evan. They are a puppet to Lori and paul is another fool who thinks cows and horse will pay taxes in Davie.

    What a wait of tax payer’s money. Lets see if marty, Evan, & Lori will pay for the tens of thousands jobs the Comon project would have created. All 3 should publish their home address and phone numbers and start to support the familes of the construction workers!!!