Suspended Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro Resurfaces In Politics
Suspended Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro edged back into politics this week.
Di Pietro was on the fund raising host committee along with Mayor Jack Seiler of Fort Lauderdale and a dozen others for Circuit Judge Edward Merrigan.
David Di Pietro: He’s Back!
The fund raiser at Seiler’s home was held at the same time as the March meeting of the Broward Health Commission, sans Di Pietro.
It was the first monthly meeting that Di Pietro missed since Gov. Rick Scott suspended him for interfering in a state probe of the hospital system’s contracts. That’s too bad. At the meeting, fellow Commissioner Maureen Canada’s decried the lack of support from the other remaining four commissioners for Di Pietro and a second suspended commissioner, Darryl Wright.
“We haven’t stood up for our fellow board members and it is sad,” Canada said.
Her comments were greeted with silence from the other commissioners.
There was, however, no silence in Broward’s legal circles.
Di Pietro is getting overwhelming support from those Broward lawyers who know him, according to several courthouse sources. Most believe he is innocent of the allegations of interference that the governor leveled at him.
Three lawyers are helping Di Pietro sue Scott, alleging that the governor’s didn’t have grounds to suspend him.
But Di Pietro has a political problem. In Broward, Republican power flows from the Governor’s Office.
Broward is overwhelming Democratic. Political power is generated by Democrats from City Halls to the County Commission to Congress.
The only Broward Republicans who have political muscle are those close to Scott and Di Pietro is now on the outs with the governor.
One only has to look at how the rest of the Broward Health commissioners greeted Canada’s calls for support for their suspended colleagues. It is no wonder Canada got a cold shoulder. The governor is responsible for whatever (dubitable?) prestige there is as a Broward Health commissioner.
During his several years as a Broward Health commissioner, Di Pietro was clearly the Alpha among a pack of weak Betas. Supporters say he was using that leadership position to try to improve the system.
I don’t know him and I don’t know the truth?
I do know that Di Pietro has a great deal of support in Broward County. Among most Republicans in Tallahassee and Washington, he is persona non-grata until his differences with the governor are cleared up.
March 31st, 2016 at 5:05 pm
I commend Judge Merrigan for standing by David Di Pietro in his time of trouble. This could not have been an easy decision for Judge Merrigan because since he was appointed to the Circuit Judge by Governor Scott. Judge Merrigan sticking by Mr. Di Pietro shows the great character of both men.
March 31st, 2016 at 5:26 pm
Hanging with Seiler who is expected to be the dem nominee for governor, looks like David switched sides and not looking back. Doubtful Atwater or Putnam even remember his name these days.
March 31st, 2016 at 5:36 pm
Chip is out of his job at Zimmerman and talking to lawyers who don’t come cheap. He will cut a deal against DiPetro by Memorial Day. No doubt some friend of Rick Scott will give him a job as a reward for doing the right thing.
March 31st, 2016 at 5:46 pm
Can you get back to some real journalism?
The New BrowardBeat
“David Di Pietro wears the same purple shirt at 2 different events in 1 week”
“David Di Pietro was spotted at Public buying cookies”
“David Di Pietro was spotted eating at Ruth Chris Steakhouse and Rick Scott was seen there 2 days ago. Coincidence-or is there an inside story”
“David Di Pietro Alpha Male or his he a Saint risking it all for the good of humanity?”
“Chip Lamarca has nothing to do with anything”
March 31st, 2016 at 7:34 pm
According to google searches Commissioner Maureen Canada was a professional who took over n made a success of her family’s well respected business.
I may be unfair as several other Commissioners serve as volunteers on boards, but essentially they are people dependent on political influence and not their own work unlike Commissioner Canada who lives in the real world outside politics so she can honestly state what she thought.
April 1st, 2016 at 12:30 pm
“Suspended Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro Resurfaces at Starbucks on Broward Blvd” Why was he there and what was he doing? Courthouse sources say he was probably getting a Frappe with Mocha drizzle.
April 3rd, 2016 at 11:40 am
What no pics . I would love to see the who,s who in full attire. Is Jack Seiler the new “grand wizard” of Oz???
April 3rd, 2016 at 3:33 pm
#4. HEY! Leave our good friend and buddy, BUDDY alone. It is his web site. Allow him to have some fun every now and then. Just because you do not care for People Magazine, that does not give you “GOP Illegal Powers” to deny everyone else the right to think of buying People Magazine. Companies do NOT stay in business selling items that Americans do not want! Try applying to college and learn this in Economics 101. Maybe “David Di Pietro wears the same purple shirt at 2 different events in 1 week” to go after the gay vote? we all here bet you got exciting reading about that “PURPLE” shirt.
Try enjoying life. Not everything is a Life-or-Death issue. Relax. Get a hobby. TRY TO FIND A FRIEND!
Even a friend of the opposite sex!
April 3rd, 2016 at 3:38 pm
#6 ““Suspended Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro Resurfaces at Starbucks on Broward Blvd” Why was he there and what was he doing? Courthouse sources say he was probably getting a Frappe with Mocha drizzle.”
Would you prefer reading:
“Suspended Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro Resurfaces at Starbucks on Broward Blvd” Why was he there and what was he doing? Courthouse sources, who refuse to be identified, say he was probably getting some cocaine from his dealer.” ????
April 7th, 2016 at 10:43 pm
Tonya Haddad Coleman is also on the committee to re-elect Judge Merrigan, her husband, Tom Coleman, is a candidate sent by the JNC for appointment to the county bench and that appointment is currently pending. According to Judicial ethics rules a lawyer whose name goes to the governor is in the same position as a judicial candidate. So Coleman and his wife cannot support another candidate while his name is before the governor for an appointment. Period. That’s a violation, folks. Dirty politics.
April 8th, 2016 at 10:23 pm
@10 Wait a minute! Judicial Ethics rules apply to Judges n Judicial candidates NOT SPOUSES to the best of my experience. I can think of half a dozen Judges n judicial candidates in both of Broward n Miami-Dade Counties who have and are on fundraising letters run for n hold both elected n Judicial offices. If @10 is right then what about CURRENTLY SITTING JUDGES WHOSE SPOUSES ARE NOW ELECTED OFFICE N ENDORSE N RAISE MONEY IN JUDICIAL RACES?
FROM BUDDY: Judges are prohibited from asking for money. Surrogates must do the job of fund raising.
April 10th, 2016 at 12:03 pm
After seeing David shaking hands w/ the lawyers representing Gov Scott etc that was in Sat. Miami Herald the way he shakes hands w/ his finger out(pointing it at you like a gun) w/ many yrs experience on “the grift” anyone that shakes hands like that I would never trust…….Also Maureen Canada you are Comm.Chip Lamarca worst nightmare (redbroward etc ringa bell)….
April 10th, 2016 at 1:52 pm
Under the rules, the immediate family of a judge, spouse, kids and even parents are precluded from raising money for the family member judicial candidate. They are considered under the rules the same category as the judge themselves.
April 11th, 2016 at 6:39 am
@13 says Family members are excluded
Buddy says it is the Judge (but does NOT mention Judicial candidates)
My few examples IN BROWARD I know through NEWSPAPERS were a judicial candidate or Judge HAD A SPOUSE RAISING MONEY FOR CANDIDATES.
April 12th, 2016 at 11:19 pm
Dear Chodkiewciz
There’s no way you have ever seen a judicial candidate’s spouse, children or parents raise money for a judicial candidate. It may be done behind closed doors but is not allowed by the rules.
JEAC (Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee) Opinion- 2012-14 and 2008-09
Canon 7 applies to all incumbent judges and judicial candidates. Fla. Code Jud. Conduct, Canon 7E. Canon 7C(1) provides that “[a] candidate…for a judicial office… shall not personally solicit campaign funds…, but may establish committees of responsible persons to secure and manage the expenditure of funds for the candidate’s campaign[.]” Canon 7A(3)(a) requires a judicial candidate to “encourage members of the candidate’s family to adhere to the same standards of political conduct in support of the candidate as apply to the candidate[.]” The Code of Judicial Conduct defines a member of the judge’s or candidate’s family to include “a spouse, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, or other relative or person with whom the judge maintains a close familial relationship.” Thus, the judge must encourage family members, including the judge’s parents, to refrain from personally soliciting campaign contributions via the proposed letter. See also Inquiry Concerning a Judge, re Angel, 867 So. 2d 379 (Fla. 2004) (The Supreme Court of Florida publicly reprimanded a judicial candidate for, among other improprieties, permitting the judge’s spouse and family members to attend and campaign at partisan political gatherings.)
April 13th, 2016 at 11:05 am
@15 unless I am dense, “encourage” is NOT AN RULE BUT A SUGGESTION and the case cited involves other rules. IF I am correct then there was NO REASON TO QUESTION WHAT I SAID I SAW.