January, 2010 Category

Jan 26 2010

Divorce Muslim Style?

Filed under: General News

Guest columnist


Muzzammil Hassan was one of the founders and the CEO of Bridges TV –the English language cable network intended to undermine the extremist image of Muslims and convey a mainstream one.

 Wife BeheadedMuzzammil Hassan is accused of beheading his wife Aasiya Hassan


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Jan 25 2010

Late GOP Candidate Is First To Qualify

Filed under: The Spin


He might have been the last Republican in the northeast Broward state House race, but George Moraitis has gathered enough signatures on petitions to be on the 2010 ballot.
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Jan 25 2010

Forman Remembered For Dedication To Broward

Filed under: General News


The funeral service was fit for a king. 

That was because the service on Sunday was for a king onetime Broward political king Hamilton Forman. Read the rest of this entry »

Jan 25 2010

Update 2: Latest On Sunrise Dump

Filed under: General News


The on-again, off-again discussion of the proposed garbage transfer station in Sunrise is on again. Read the rest of this entry »

Jan 25 2010

Who’s Next After Wasserstrom?

Filed under: General News


Public officials.   Take a look at this picture.


website--january 25, 2010--wasserstrom's jail shot

Keith Wasserstrom

You could be next!

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Jan 24 2010

Judicial Candidate Lloyd Golburgh’s Open Letter

Filed under: The Spin

Mr. Nevins,

I have never met you, either, but I was a journalism major in College. The first thing I learned there was to write facts, not fiction.


lloyd golburgh

Lloyd Golburgh

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Jan 24 2010

Fields: A Most Un-American Document

Filed under: Guest Column

Guest Columnist

The god freaks love to see the Ten Commandments hanging in public buildings as often as Fire Exit signs. 

The latest attempt comes in Poteau, Oklahoma where the local yokels want to install a Ten Commandments monument on the courthouse lawn.

Apparently they believe that there is some connection between the Ten Commandments and the American legal system.

They could not be farther off. Read the rest of this entry »

Jan 23 2010

Update: Latest On Sunrise Garbage Dump

Filed under: General News


The word is that Sunrise City Commissioners have been warned not to discuss the garbage transfer dump publicly.

City Attorney Stuart Michelson reportedly told them that any debate might come back to haunt the city if the case ends up in court.

So next week’s discussion of the dump formally called a waste transfer station — is most likely off. Read the rest of this entry »

Jan 22 2010

The War Hero Vs. The Drunk Driver’s Friend

Filed under: The Spin


County Court Judge Ed Merrigan will spend the first weekend of his re-election campaign in Homestead helping troops who are being deployed overseas.

Merrigan is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.  He’s a war hero, having won a Bronze Star in Iraq.

His opponent is, well, a defender of drunk drivers. Read the rest of this entry »

Jan 21 2010

Sunrise’s Newest Deal: A Garbage Dump

Filed under: General News


Sunrise residents need to ask Commissioner Don Rosen this question:

Why do you appear so intent on shoving a garbage “dump down our throats?

don rosenDon Rosen Read the rest of this entry »